importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology

For this reason, they argue for a critical-realist perspective, positing that causal relationships cannot be perceived with total accuracy by our imperfect sensory and intellective capacities (p. 29). Some of them relate to the issue of shared meaning and others to the issue of accuracy. NHST originated from a debate that mainly took place in the first half of the 20th century between Fisher (e.g., 1935a, 1935b; 1955) on the one hand, and Neyman and Pearson (e.g., 1928, 1933) on the other hand. It should be noted that the choice of a type of QtPR research (e.g., descriptive or experimental) does not strictly force a particular data collection or analysis technique. These technologies all deal with the transmission and reception of information of some kind. Researchers study groups that are pre-existing rather than created for the study. Only then, based on the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem can we upheld (a) a normal distribution assumption of the sample around its mean and (b) the assumption that the mean of the sample approximates the mean of the population (Miller & Miller 2012). Information and Organization, 30(1), 100287. DeVellis, R. F., & Thorpe, C. T. (2021). Interpretation of Formative Measurement in Information Systems Research. The moving average part adds a linear combination of the error terms of the previous observations. For example, experimental studies are based on the assumption that the sample was created through random sampling and is reasonably large. 2017; Gefen, Straub, and Boudreau 2000; Gefen 2003). Typical examples of statistical control variables in many QtPR IS studies are measurements of the size of firm, type of industry, type of product, previous experience of the respondents with systems, and so forth. (1979). Statistical Power in Analyzing Interaction Effects: Questioning the Advantage of PLS With Product Indicators. (1935). Information sharing - How quickly & easily information can be shared across the globe. We are ourselves IS researchers but this does not mean that the advice is not useful to researchers in other fields. Quantitative Research. One of the advantages of SEM is that many methods (such as covariance-based SEM models) cannot only be used to assess the structural model the assumed causation amongst a set of multiple dependent and independent constructs but also, separately or concurrently, the measurement model the loadings of observed measurements on their expected latent constructs. Tests of nomological validity typically involve comparing relationships between constructs in a network of theoretical constructs with theoretical networks of constructs previously established in the literature and which may involve multiple antecedent, mediator, and outcome variables. IS research is a field that is primarily concerned with socio-technical systems comprising individuals and collectives that deploy digital information and communication technology for tasks in business, private, or social settings. The fact of the matter is that the universe of all items is quite unknown and so we are groping in the dark to capture the best measures. Bayesian Structural Equation Models for Cumulative Theory Building in Information SystemsA Brief Tutorial Using BUGS and R. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 34(77), 1481-1514. Figure 3 shows a simplified procedural model for use by QtPR researchers who wish to create new measurement instruments for conceptually defined theory constructs. Slater, L. (2005). Kaplan, B., and Duchon, D. Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Information Systems Research: A Case Study, MIS Quarterly (12:4 (December)) 1988, pp. The underlying principle is to develop a linear combination of each set of variables (both independent and dependent) to maximize the correlation between the two sets. The units are known so comparisons of measurements are possible. Suppose you included satisfaction with the IS staff in your measurement of a construct called User Information Satisfaction but you forgot to include satisfaction with the system itself? Valid measures represent the essence or content upon which the construct is focused. (2014). Construct Validity in Psychological Tests. Different approaches follow different logical traditions (e.g., correlational versus counterfactual versus configurational) for establishing causation (Antonakis et al., 2010; Morgan & Winship. The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in mobilization of sustainable development knowledge: a quantitative evaluation - Author: Mirghani Mohamed, Arthur Murray, Mona Mohamed - The purpose of this paper is to aim to quantitatively evaluate the importance of ICTs for sustainable development. Other sources of reliability problems stem from poorly specified measurements, such as survey questions that are imprecise or ambiguous, or questions asked of respondents who are either unqualified to answer, unfamiliar with, predisposed to a particular type of answer, or uncomfortable to answer. This reasoning hinges on power among other things. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 22(2), 3-30. on a set of attributes and the perceptual mapping of objects relative to these attributes (Hair et al., 2010). 79-102). Quantitative analysis refers to economic, business or financial . Opening Skinners Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century. E. Quantitative Research in Educational and Psychology > Many educational. Explained variance describes the percent of the total variance (as the sum of squares of the residuals if one were to assume that the best predictor of the expected value of the dependent variable is its average) that is explained by the model variance (as the sum of squares of the residuals if one were to assume that the best predictor of the expected value of the dependent variable is the regression formula). Blinding Us to the Obvious? Research Methods in Social Relations (6th ed.). Bivariate analyses concern the relationships between two variables. Davis, F. D. (1989). .Unlike covariance-based approaches to structural equation modeling, PLS path modeling does not fit a common factor model to the data, it rather fits a composite model. Another way to extend external validity within a research study is to randomly vary treatment levels. This is because measurement provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and the theoretical and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. 2. Christensen, R. (2005). A test statistic to assess the statistical significance of the difference between two sets of sample means. Quantitative research seeks to establish knowledge through the use of numbers and measurement. Faced with the volume of academic output, studies that present a descriptive character are necessary. We felt that we needed to cite our own works as readily as others to give readers as much information as possible at their fingertips. They involve manipulations in a real world setting of what the subjects experience. Statistical Tests, P Values, Confidence Intervals, and Power: a Guide to Misinterpretations. The purpose of quantitative research is to attain greater knowledge and understanding of the social world. This can be the most immediate previous observation (a lag of order 1), a seasonal effect (such as the value this month last year, a lag of order 12), or any other combination of previous observations. It allows you to gain reliable, objective insights from data and clearly understand trends and patterns. MIS Quarterly, 31(4), 623-656. More information about qualitative research in both variants is available on an AIS-sponsored online resource. Part 2: A Demo in R of the Importance of Enabling Replication in PLS and LISREL. (2001) are referring to in their third criterion: How can we show we have reasonable internal validity and that there are not key variables missing from our models? Moreover, real-world domains are often much more complex than the reduced set of variables that are being examined in an experiment. This debate focuses on the existence, and mitigation, of problematic practices in the interpretation and use of statistics that involve the well-known p-value. Pearson Education. Checking for manipulation validity differs by the type and the focus of the experiment, and its manipulation and experimental setting. Typically, researchers use statistical, correlational logic, that is, they attempt to establish empirically that items that are meant to measure the same constructs have similar scores (convergent validity) whilst also being dissimilar to scores of measures that are meant to measure other constructs (discriminant validity) This is usually done by comparing item correlations and looking for high correlations between items of one construct and low correlations between those items and items associated with other constructs. Their paper presents the arguments for why various forms of instrumentation validity should be mandatory and why others are optional. Wohlin et al.s (2000) book on Experimental Software Engineering, for example, illustrates, exemplifies, and discusses many of the most important threats to validity, such as lack of representativeness of independent variable, pre-test sensitisation to treatments, fatigue and learning effects, or lack of sensitivity of dependent variables. Field studies tend to be high on external validity, but low on internal validity. This methodology is primarily concerned with the examination of historical documents. MIS Quarterly, 30(3), 611-642. The purpose of survey research in exploration is to become more familiar with a phenomenon or topic of interest. Since laboratory experiments most often give one group a treatment (or manipulation) of some sort and another group no treatment, the effect on the DV has high internal validity. Many of these data collection techniques require a research instrument, such as a questionnaire or an interview script. Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340. Surveys in this sense therefore approach causality from a correlational viewpoint; it is important to note that there are other traditions toward causal reasoning (such as configurational or counterfactual), some of which cannot be well-matched with data collected via survey research instruments (Antonakis et al., 2010; Pearl, 2009). And, crucially, inferring temporal precedence, i.e., establishing that the cause came before the effect, in a one-point in time survey is at best related to self-reporting by the subject. As an example, Henseler et al. Suggestions on how best to improve on the site are very welcome. Bollen, K. A. Lyberg, L. E., & Kasprzyk, D. (1991). An example would be the correlation between salary increases and job satisfaction. It focuses on eliciting important constructs and identifying ways for measuring these. Given that the last update of that resource was 2004, we also felt it prudent to update the guidelines and information to the best of our knowledge and abilities. 3. One major articulation of this was in Cook and Campbells seminal book Quasi-Experimentation (1979), later revised together with William Shadish (2001). Statistical Methods and Scientific Induction. Our development and assessment of measures and measurements (Section 5) is another simple reflection of this line of thought. (2014) point out, even extremely weak effects of r = .005 become statistically significant at some level of N and in the case of regression with two IVs, this result becomes statistically significant for all levels of effect size at a N of only 500. The Fisher, Neyman-Pearson Theories of Testing Hypotheses: One Theory or Two? ER models are highly useful for normalizing data, but do not serve well for social science research models. Reviewers should be especially honed in to measurement problems for this reason. Assessing measure and measurement validity is the critical first step in QtPR. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 4(7), 1-77. Interrater Agreement and Reliability. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50. (1961). Another debate concerns alternative models for reasoning about causality (Pearl, 2009; Antonakis et al., 2010; Bollen & Pearl, 2013) based on a growing recognition that causality itself is a socially constructed term and many statistical approaches to testing causality are imbued with one particular philosophical perspective toward causality. Studying something so connected to emotions may seem a challenging task, but don't worry: there is a lot of perfectly credible data you can use in your research paper if only you choose the right topic. Science achieved this through the scientific method and through empiricism, which depended on measures that could pierce the veil of reality. Entities themselves do not express well what values might lie behind the labeling. One common construct in the category of environmental factors, for instance, is market uncertainty. The most common test is through Cronbachs (1951) alpha, however, this test is not without problems. Greene, W. H. (2012). Information Systems Research, 32(1), 130146. Q-sorting consists of a modified rank-ordering procedure in which stimuli are placed in an order that is significant from the standpoint of a person operating under specified conditions. The posterior can also be used for making predictions about future events. Larsen, K. R. T., & Bong, C. H. (2016). (2013). The paper contains: the methodologies used to evaluate the different ways ICT . This difference stresses that empirical data gathering or data exploration is an integral part of QtPR, as is the positivist philosophy that deals with problem-solving and the testing of the theories derived to test these understandings. Jenkins, A. M. (1985). 2004). As this discussion already illustrates, it is important to realize that applying NHST is difficult. Quantitative Research. To illustrate this point, consider an example that shows why archival data can never be considered to be completely objective. This value means that researchers assume a 20% risk (1.0 .80) that they are correct in their inference. econometrics) and numerical methods such as mathematical modeling. Establishing reliability and validity of measures and measurement is a demanding and resource-intensive task. Central to understanding this principle is the recognition that there is no such thing as a pure observation. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.). In reality, any of the included stages may need to be performed multiple times and it may be necessary to revert to an earlier stage when the results of a later stage do not meet expectations. Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences: A Design-Based Approach. Sage. It can include also cross-correlations with other covariates. Problems with construct validity occur in three major ways. The most common forms are non-equivalent groups design the alternative to a two-group pre-test-post-test design, and non-equivalent switched replication design, in which an essential experimental treatment is replicated by switching the treatment and control group in two subsequent iterations of the experiment (Trochim et al. A data analysis technique used to identify how a current observation is estimated by previous observations, or to predict future observations based on that pattern. If samples are not drawn independently, or are not selected randomly, or are not selected to represent the population precisely, then the conclusions drawn from NHST are thrown into question because it is impossible to correct for unknown sampling bias. Data analysis techniques include univariate analysis (such as analysis of single-variable distributions), bivariate analysis, and more generally, multivariate analysis. In this situation you have an internal validity problem that is really not simply a matter of testing the strength of either the confound or the theoretical independent variable on the outcome variable, but it is a matter of whether you can trust the measurement of either the independent, the confounding, or the outcome variable. The Difference Between Significant and Not Significant is not Itself Statistically Significant. In I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave (Eds. Sage. Zeitschrift fr Physik, 43(3-4), 172-198. In an experiment, for example, it is critical that a researcher check not only the experimental instrument, but also whether the manipulation or treatment works as intended, whether experimental task are properly phrased, and so forth. You can contact the co-editors at:,, and Information and communication technology, or ICT, is defined as the combination of informatics . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. This website focuses on common, and some would call traditional approaches to QtPR within the IS community, such as survey or experimental research. A third example is construct labeling that could be clarified by simply adding a modifying word or phrase to show the reader more precisely what the construct means. These are discussed in some detail by Mertens and Recker (2020). (2005). Pearl, J. SEM has been widely used in social science research for the causal modelling of complex, multivariate data sets in which the researcher gathers multiple measures of proposed constructs. PLS (Partial Least Squares) path modeling: A second generation regression component-based estimation approach that combines a composite analysis with linear regression. Methods of Psychological Research, 7(1), 1-20. It measures whether several measurement items that propose to measure the same general construct produce similar scores. If you are interested in conducting research or enhancing your skills in a research field, earning a doctoral degree can support your career goals. If items load appropriately high (viz., above 0.7), we assume that they reflect the theoretical constructs. (2016). Cambridge University Press. Mohajeri, K., Mesgari, M., & Lee, A. S. (2020). MIS Quarterly, 40(3), 529-551. These states can be individual socio-psychological states or collective states, such as those at the organizational or national level. A clarifying phrase like Extent of Co-creation (as opposed to, say, duration of co-creation) helps interested readers in conceptualizing that there needs to be some kind of quantification of the amount but not length of co-creating taking place. This is a quasi-experimental research methodology that involves before and after measures, a control group, and non-random assignment of human subjects. MIS Quarterly, 41(4), 1307-1333. The importance of information communication technology, visual analysis, and web monitoring and control are all examples of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). QtPR is not math analytical modeling, which typically depends on mathematical derivations and assumptions, sans data. Most researchers are introduced to the various study methodologies while in school, particularly as learners in an advanced degree program. 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